
We welcome contributions that meet the goals and standards of this project. Contributions may include bug fixes, feature development, corrections or additional context for the documentation, submission of Issues on GitHub, etc.

For development and testing, you can run your own instance of Postgres (either locally or using a DBaaS), or you can use the provided Docker Compose yaml file to provision a containerized instance and data volume locally.

Getting up-and-running


Install requirements

This installs all packages needed for development and testing.

poetry install

Note: You may need to run poetry update if there have been minor version updates to required packages.

Start poetry environment in shell

poetry shell

Using Your Own postgres Instance

To develop using your own Postgres instance, you may set the following environmental variables on your machine:

  • DB_NAME (defaults to “postgres”)

  • DB_USER (defaults to “docker”)

  • DB_PASSWORD (defaults to “docker”)

  • DB_HOST (defaults to “localhost”)

  • DB_PORT (defaults to “9932”)

The process of setting environmental variables varies between different operating systems. Generally, on macOS and Linux, you can use the following convention in the console:

export KEY=value

Using the Provided Docker Compose Postgres Instance

This guide assumes you already have Docker and Docker Compose installed.

Build & Bring up the Docker Compose container for Postgres services:

Run the following command to build and bring up the postgres service.

docker-compose -f dev.yml up -d --no-deps --force-recreate --build postgres

These are the database connection details:

DB = postgres
USER = docker
PASSWORD = docker
HOST = postgres
PORT = 9932

To check the status of the database container:

docker ps

Once running, you should be able to connect using the test app, psql, or other Postgres management tools if desired.

To completely remove the container and associated data:

docker-compose -f dev.yml down --rmi all --remove-orphans -v

Once you have a Running Postgres Instance

Install pre-commits:

These ensure code is formatted correctly upon commit. See the pre-commit docs for more information.

pre-commit install

Run the tests:


Run code coverage report:

coverage run -m pytest

Create html coverage report:

coverage html

Check the django test project:

python check

To run the example project in the python REPL:

python shell_plus

Build the docs

Within the docs directory, run this from the console:

make html